שליחת SMS
* דוגמת webservice URL:
* Explanation:
VoIPe SMS webservices ב-sms.voipe.co.il עם הפעולה op pv (שליחת SMS) הופעלה עם הפרטים:
1. שם משתמש"u".
2. טוקן webservices "h".
3. מספר יעד 050555555.
4. ההודעה "test only".
5. תבנית הפלט היא תבנית ברירת המחדל- JSON.
When succeeded VoIPe SMS will returns OK status message in JSON format: {"data":[{"status":"OK","error":"0","smslog_id":"30","queue":"afb5f34575e30ec4efe4471cf5d1bee4","to":"0987654321"}],"error_string":null} When error occurred VoIPe SMS will returns one of the return code, also in JSON format.
List of incoming SMS
Example webservice URL: http://x.com/index.php?app=ws&u=anton&h=482ac0069592c647289e52dfef88be68&op=in&kwd=IDOL&format=xml Explanation: VoIPe SMS webservices in x.com with operation op in (incoming SMS) was accessed by a user using username u and webservices token h with keyword kwd IDOL and expected output format is in XML format format=xml. When succeeded VoIPe SMS will returns OK status message in XML format: <response>
<item> <id>2</id> <src>+629876543210</src> <dst>1234</dst> <kwd>IDOL</kwd> <msg>A</msg>
<status>1</status> </item> </response> When error occurred VoIPe SMS will returns one of the return code, also in XML format.