Send SMS
Example webservice URL: http://sms.voipe.co.il/index.php?app=ws&u=anton&h=a45a02791b2fe2fedb078c39fd83637a&op=pv&to=0987654321&msg=test+only Explanation: VoIPe SMS webservices in sms.voipe.co.il with operation op pv (send SMS) was accessed by a user using username u and webservices token h with destination number to 050555555, message msg 'test only' and expected output format is the default format, JSON format. When succeeded VoIPe SMS will returns OK status message in JSON format: {"data":[{"status":"OK","error":"0","smslog_id":"30","queue":"afb5f34575e30ec4efe4471cf5d1bee4","to":"0987654321"}],"error_string":null} When error occurred VoIPe SMS will returns one of the return code, also in JSON format.
List of incoming SMS
Example webservice URL: http://x.com/index.php?app=ws&u=anton&h=482ac0069592c647289e52dfef88be68&op=in&kwd=IDOL&format=xml Explanation: VoIPe SMS webservices in x.com with operation op in (incoming SMS) was accessed by a user using username u and webservices token h with keyword kwd IDOL and expected output format is in XML format format=xml. When succeeded VoIPe SMS will returns OK status message in XML format: <response>
<item> <id>2</id> <src>+629876543210</src> <dst>1234</dst> <kwd>IDOL</kwd> <msg>A</msg>
<status>1</status> </item> </response> When error occurred VoIPe SMS will returns one of the return code, also in XML format.